Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement
NSF International UK, Ltd., along with its global subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “NSF”) conducts our business in accordance with our four core values: Do the Right Thing, Treat People Well, Relentlessly Pursue Excellence, and We Are One NSF. NSF’s updated Code of Ethics outlines our commitment to treating all individuals with the rights and dignity to which they are entitled. NSF has zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking and is committed to continuous improvement, as well as improving our practices to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not present in our operations or our supply chains.
Our Structure, Business, and Supply Chains
About NSF
NSF is a public and planet health and safety organization and has offices and laboratories in countries located in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, North America, and Oceania. Manufacturers, regulators, and consumers look to NSF for the development of public health standards and certification programs that help protect the world’s food, water, consumer products, and the environment. Our mission is to protect and improve human and planet health. As an independent, accredited organization, our standards group facilitates the development of standards, and our service groups test and certify products and systems to both our own standards and those developed by others. We also provide auditing and risk management solutions for public health and the environment.
Our Workforce
NSF employs more than 2,700 global employees and contracts with independent contractors and independent laboratories in each of the regions in which we operate. We employ temporary workers from time to time; these are professional or highly skilled workers such as laboratory technicians or information technology personnel.
Our Services
We deliver professional services in five core public health and safety areas: food, water, laboratories, health sciences, and management systems. As a provider of professional services, our employees and independent contractors consist of highly skilled professionals, including auditors, laboratory personnel, consultants, trainers, and professional office personnel. We do not manufacture products, and do not own manufacturing facilities or employ any manufacturing personnel.
Our Supply Chain
Our supply chain (parts of which are located in each region in which we operate) is predominantly made up of suppliers of professional services such as laboratory work, information technology services, and other similar support services. We also purchase office, laboratory, and information technology equipment and related supplies. NSF is not a reseller of any tangible products.
Responsibility for Implementation and Management of Our Modern Slavery Policies
Our Ethics Committee, comprised of our Chief Legal Officer, our Chief People Officer, and our Chief Financial Officer, is responsible for the implementation and management of our modern slavery policies. Starting in 2024, compliance matters will transition from the Audit Committee to the Human Resources Committee of the NSF International Board of Directors, including our Modern Slavery Policies. Our Ethics Committee reported regularly to our Chief Executive Officer, and annually (or more often as the need may arise) to the Audit Committee and will report regularly to the Human Resources Committee of the NSF International Board of Directors in 2024. A director of NSF International UK, Ltd., signs our Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement on behalf of NSF.
Policies Relating to Slavery and Human Trafficking
Our Code of Ethics is available here and includes our prohibition against modern slavery and our belief that forced labor in any forms has no place in NSF’s operations or supply chain. We distribute our Code of Ethics to our independent contractors, and we have made it a contractual obligation for independent contractors to comply with the Code of Ethics. We require suppliers to sign a “compliance with laws” provision in our purchasing agreements, which provision obligates such parties to, among other things, comply with NSF’s Code of Ethics, and the anti- modern slavery and anti-trafficking provisions therein. Our anonymous online ethics reporting portal also includes the option to report modern slavery/trafficking concerns. We expanded the anonymous reporting procedure to include a web/online option to enable individuals’ greater ability to report any concerns.
Due Diligence Processes
NSF operates an anonymous online ethics reporting portal through an independent, third-party, which is available to our employees, any person who works within our supply chain, NSF clients, other external stakeholders, and any member of the public, all of whom can access the portal through our external websites. A link to the portal is also embedded in our Code of Ethics, which is posted on our main external websites. The portal can be used to report any ethical or compliance issue. All reports received through our portal are fully investigated by our Human Resources Department at the direction of our CLO. Our Ethics Committee provides regular updates to our CEO, and our CLO provided regular updates to the Audit Committee and will provide regular updates to the Human Resources Committee of the NSF International Board of Directors.
To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, all employees, as well as members of our Board of Directors, are required to complete online Code of Ethics training annually. The training, which we updated in 2023, covers, among other topics, modern slavery and trafficking, and employees are directed to report through our portal any suspected incident of modern slavery.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes NSF’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending December 31, 2023. This statement is approved by the Board of Directors of NSF International UK, Ltd. and is signed on behalf of the Board by Laura Tackett, Director.

Updated: March 6, 2024